Operation Prom
Operation Prom is a campaign developed by Carter County Prevention Coalition and covers both Carter and Garvin Counties, to remind students that prom is a night to remember, so don't forget that you don't have to get drunk or high to have fun. Partnerships with local schools and youth, organizations, and law enforcement each year provides a multifaceted approach to making prom season safer for our community. Since the pilot year, Operation Prom has expanded to surrounding counties as well.
Operation Graduation
Operation Graduation is a campaign similar to Operation Prom that the Carter County Prevention Coalition developed to remind Carter and Garvin County students that graduation is the beginning of the next chapter of their lives. They should choose today to live tomorrow by choosing drug-free. Through these efforts, we partner with local schools and law enforcement each year to provide a multifaceted approach to making graduation celebrations safer for our community.
Participating schools are provided with a "How-to Guide" including a social media toolkit, posters and other print material, chaperone training, and opportunities for student involvement.
Local teens can participate in print, radio, and social media content development. Community service hours are provided to youth who assist in Operation Prom efforts.
Law Enforcement
Law enforcement assist with Operation Prom efforts through conducting alcohol compliance checks (ACCs), sharing & promoting media content, and partnering to provide chaperone training on impairment recognition.

Operation Prom 2023 Youth PSAs
Operation Prom 2021 Video submitted by Wilson High School Leadership Class

Operation Prom PSAs Read by local high school Student

2024 CCPC Operation Prom Social Media Content

In Oklahoma, the Social Host Law applies to Prom parties, meaning that even if you think it's safer for them to drink or use substances under your watch, the legal risks remain. A "social host" can be an adult or minor, and need not be physically present or the actual property owner. Violations are punishable by fines of up to $2,500, a felony conviction, and time in prison if someone is injured or killed.

Parents, make sure your teen has a plan for the evening and that you know it. Ask the following questions and make sure both you and your teen know the answers: -What time does the prom begin and end? -Are you going to dinner beforehand or is there dinner at the prom? -Are you meeting other friends? -Is there an after-party sponsored by the school or at a friend's house? Who will be chaperoning? -How will you be getting to and from dinner/the prom/the after-party?

In Oklahoma, the Social Host Law applies to Prom parties, meaning that even if you think it's safer for them to drink or use substances under your watch, the legal risks remain. A "social host" can be an adult or minor, and need not be physically present or the actual property owner. Violations are punishable by fines of up to $2,500, a felony conviction, and time in prison if someone is injured or killed.

2024 PASS Operation Prom Social Media Content
Operation Prom PSAs Read by local high school Students
Do you think you have a problem with substance misuse?
Seek help today by talking to a parent, teacher, or a trusted adult.
You are not alone and there is no shame in reaching out to others for help!! Do not let your problems with substance misuse define you! There are options available to you!
Call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations' treatment hotline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357), or click below to find a treatment center near you.
Do you or someone you know take opioids (painkillers/narcotics)?
The places you can get a free kit from in Carter County are Lighthouse Behavioral Wellness Centers and Southern Oklahoma Treatment Services (SOTS).