Sequins & Sirens
Sequins & Sirens is an initiative that the LFSCC-CAST created to reduce underage drinking, specifically around prom season. Beginning in 2015, the Sequins & Sirens program combines community prevention, education, media, and highly visible enforcement to raise awareness during this high-risk time.
Sequins & Sirens Featured at Several Conferences
Northwest Alcohol and Substance Abuse Conference: In July 2016, Todd Anthony (LFSCC-CAST Chair) and Brooke Anthony (WMPN Region 11 RPC Director) presented a breakout session about “Sequins & Sirens” at the Northwest Alcohol Conference in Boise, Idaho.
CADCA: In February 2017, Todd Anthony (LFSCC/CAST Chair); Kim Booker (WMPN Region 11 Prevention Specialist); and Brooke Anthony (WMPN Region 11 RPC Director) presented a breakout session at the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) – 27th National Leadership Forum in National Harbor, Maryland.
PHAO: In the fall of 2015, Brooke Anthony presented at the Public Health Academy of Oklahoma (PHAO) about the LFSCC and Sequins & Sirens.

Todd Anthony and Brooke Anthony are pictured accepting the Innovative Project Award on behalf of the LFSCC at the Northwest Alcohol Conference in Boise, Idaho.

In 2016, Sequins & Sirens recognized three police officers and one prosecutor for their efforts to reduce underage drinking in Comanche County.
PHAO Presentation.

Sequins & Sirens Law Enforcement Commemorative Patch.